Microtrans is licensed by Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi to carry out electrical installation, testing, repair and servicing. We also possess the necessary relevant instrument i.e. Insulation Tester, Earth Resistance Tester, Volt-Meter, Arm-Meter, multimeter etc for carrying out electrical work. All electrical repairing and servicing work of Traffic Signals is carryied out under the direct supervision of a competent Electrical Supervisor and Electrician.
We provide comprehensive Repair and Service of damaged Traffic Signals and make them functional. Further take care of Operation and mainteance of the traffic signal as well. We have needed infrastructure for carry out repair and servicing work and also preserve adequate stock of all spares to enssure minimum down time of the systems. In the interim period of repairing and servicing, a substitute item / equipment will be deployed by us to ensure continuous traffic mobility and public safety at intersection.
We extend our repair and servicing programme pan india. We take care of repairing fixed time traffic signals, Adaptive Traffic Signals and Area Traffic Control system and operation and mainteance as well.
Keyword : Traffic Signal Operation, Traffic Signal maintenance, Traffic light operation, traffic light repairing and maintenance, Traffic Signal AMC, Traffic Control system operation and maintenance. Red light maintenance, Smart City Traffic Signal maintenance, Traffic Signal repairing. Repairing of traffic light.